The Immigration times

Directory for New Zealand

General job search information:

Careers New Zealand – This government agency can provide help if you are new to New Zealand and looking for work.

General Jobs Listing Sites:

  1. Seek
  2. New Kiwis
  3. Working In New Zealand

Accredited Employers-An accredited employer is a ‘pre-approved’ employer who needs skilled or talented workers from overseas. Review this list of employers to find employers actively looking for people in your field.

Government and State Sector Jobs:

  2. Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC)
  3. The Commerce Commission
  4. Department of Corrections
  5. Inland Revenue Department
  6. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
  7. Ministry of Social Development
  8. New Zealand Food Safety Authority
  9. New Zealand Police
  10. New Zealand Transport Agency
  11. Statistics New Zealand


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